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Back-to-School Shopping – Top 4 Essentials, So Your Kids Don’t Get Sick!

family health Oct 09, 2022

It’s August! Can’t believe more than half the year has gone by. Time is flying & back-to-school shopping is in full effect as summer begins to wind down. These past couple of years during Covid times increased our awareness of how important it is to improve our immune health and the proper hygiene to prevent spread of germs. 

Back-to-school shopping is more than buying school supplies and new clothes, make sure you prepare your kids’ immune system, so they don’t bring all the germs home! If your littles ones are prone to getting sick a lot, you’re probably desperate for ways to help them fight back.

Covid has created a lot of fear these last few years and made us more aware of our health. So if you’ve noticed that your little ones get sick often (even before covid times), and you’re tired of your kid’s bringing all the germs home from school and getting the whole family sick, this article is for you!


Top 5 Priority Items to Boost Your Kid’s Immunity



Antioxidants are an important part of our body’s natural defense against getting sick with viruses like Covids, common cold, or the flu. And even if you are exposed to a sickness, antioxidants can significantly lessen the severity of your symptoms and amount of days you’re sick!

And what kid doesn’t like gummies? My new favorite are these Aronia berry gummies. They top the ranks for highest antioxidants and most importantly, they are delicious! I have to fight with my toddler to only have one a day instead of the whole jar! 



You cannot get enough antioxidants, and this is another one I like to add to the mix. This particular spray we take is actually a blend of more antioxidants that includes Zinc, echinacea, other berries!

But what’s amazing about this is it’s a SPRAY! So if you’re kids just don’t want to take more pills, gummies, or another drink, sprays are really the best thing because it works fast and absorbs the best! A couple quick sprays before they run off to school and you know they got a boost in immune support right away.


Staying hydrated is so important for your immune health. Some reasons are that it helps deliver nutrients throughout your body, flush out toxins, and prevent illness.

*Kids under 12 should be drinking 1oz of water per pound of weight to support her body. So if your kid is 50 lbs, he needs 50 ounces of water. That’s at least 3 regular-sized water bottles a day, plus more If super active and running around that day!

Does your kid not like drinking water? I love to carry these flavor packets with me everywhere because they’re so cute and portable.

It's all natural, no other additives, and includes tons of nutrients. It's super easy to mix in a bottled water to go. But most importantly, it tastes so good with zero grams of sugar! Way better than a sports drink 😉

Pack one of these in your kid’s lunch box with a water bottle to remind them to stay hydrated. They’re perfect for drinking after a good run during PE.  

Check out their website [no affiliate]

My kid's favorites is their Greens and Purples :)


Ok, this is technically a total of 5 items, and this last one isn’t a supplement, but it is absolutely on my top priority shopping list. Teach your kids healthy habits to prevent the spread of germs and most importantly, prevent them from getting sick.

Hand sanitizers have become an essential item everywhere we go, and it’s important that we teach our little ones to use it often at the right times. Help them differentiate when they should wash their hands with soap & water and when to use hand sanitizer. Practicing it daily before school starts helps them create a habit of using it during appropriate times such as before and after eating, etc. Grab a cool hand sanitizer that attaches to their backpack. Click here to check out my toddler’s favorite.

And lastly, masks. Find a good fitting mask that is snug to the face, but still comfortable, to ensure that it is protecting them from droplets. There are many new brands of mask that are made for smaller kids now. My toddler is a small 30lb 4-year-old and this brand in Extra Small fits her perfectly. Click here to check it out


1️⃣ If your kids need high-quality supplements and you want to check out the brand that I use, find me on IG/FB to inquire about any of these products. I also provide free one-on-one consultations to assist you in choosing the best products for your family! Zoom option available.



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